At the Spring and the Fall equinoxes, the Sun would rise at the east end of the middle track and set at the west end. Build your own Sun Track Diorama What about the stars? The rising points of the stars don't change as much as the Sun's because they are so very far away.

So the rising points of stars on the horizon were not as critical to ancient cultures. However, the rising times of stars change by 4 minutes each day, so any particular star would rise at different times during the year.

For about half the time, the star would rise during the daytime and thus be blocked by the huge light of our Sun. There was something called the "heliacal" or dawn rise of a star -- and this happened on only one day of the year. Thus these dawn rising were extremely useful for keeping track of exact days. For an explanation and examples of heliacal or dawn risings of stars, see Show Me a Heliacal Rising. Image credits: Medicine Wheel sunset photograph by Tom Melham.

The Tom Melham picture appeared in the National Geographic. According to them, it is part of a collection "Mysteries of Mankind: Earth's Unexplained Landmarks" and the image is listed as usuable, with no permission or payment required. Of course, what we actually experience is Earth rotating on its axis as it makes its way around the sun on its yearly orbit.

From your perspective up there, Earth would be spinning counter-clockwise, and your home on Earth would come to face the sun from the east and then turn away from it moving west within about 24 hours. Why does the Sun only rise exactly due east and set due west twice a year? Solstices and equinoxes are specific days that happen every year as the Earth treks its course around the Sun.

In our calendar year, the first milestone is the Vernal Equinox. This happens around March 20th, and means days filled with more sun are on the way. The next solar milestone in our year comes on the June 21 summer solstice. On this day, the sun shines at its furthest point north above the equator.

Around September 21, the sun has made its way back to the equator moving south. This is the one other day of the year when you can see the sunrise due east and the sunset due west.

But remember, after the winter solstice, the days start to get incrementally longer as the Earth tilts back to let the sun shine for longer in the north. No matter your latitude, you can probably benefit from installing solar panels to soak up the sun and supply your own clean energy. Though the southern and western United States get more sun on average, solar is booming even up north and along the east coast.

Get in touch with us today to find out more. To get a free quote, call By clicking this button, you consent to receive calls about our products and services at the number you provided above. You agree that such calls may be made using an automatic telephone dialing system, they may be considered telemarketing or advertising under applicable law, and that you are not required to provide your consent to these calls to make a purchase from us. As the earth rotates clockwise, the sunlight reaches different parts of the earth at different times.

The first points to receive the sun rays are in the east. As the points begin to leave the light of the sun due to progression in the rotation, darkness begins to set in. The general appearance is that it set to the west. The fact is that the sun appears to be revolving around us basically because the earth not only orbits it but also does rotate on its axis as it is revolving. The sunrise in Thailand.

Olympic Games History. Southeast Asian Countries. Commonwealth Of Independent States.

Triggers include:. Fainting in an older person, a person with heart disease, or during exertion, or while lying down can be a cause for concern. In any of these cases you should call your healthcare provider. It's important to diagnose the cause of the fainting. Most people who faint stay out a few seconds to less than a minute.

If the person is unconscious for a longer time, call To find out if the cause of your fainting is serious, your healthcare provider will ask you questions about how often you faint, how long they last, and the events surrounding the episodes. Depending on the circumstances surrounding these episodes, your provider may order the following tests:. Electrocardiogram ECG. This gives information about your heart rhythm and heart rate.

Echocardiogram echo. This shows the structure of your heart, including the valves. Orthostatic vital signs. This is where your heart rate and blood pressure are measured while you are lying, sitting, and standing. This is to see whether there is a change related to body position. Position the person on his or her back. If there are no injuries and the person is breathing, raise the person's legs above heart level — about 12 inches 30 centimeters — if possible.

Loosen belts, collars or other constrictive clothing. To reduce the chance of fainting again, don't get the person up too quickly. If the person doesn't regain consciousness within one minute, call or your local emergency number. If the person was injured in a fall associated with a faint, treat bumps, bruises or cuts appropriately.

Control bleeding with direct pressure. There is a problem with information submitted for this request. Sign up for free, and stay up-to-date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID, plus expert advice on managing your health.

Error Email field is required. Error Include a valid email address. The most likely cause of this sudden drop will either be some change in the blood vessels or the heartbeat itself. Blood vessels continually adjust their width to ensure a constant blood pressure.

For instance, the vessels constrict tighten when we stand up to counteract the effects of gravity. Temporary low blood pressure can be caused by various events that prompt blood vessels to dilate expand , including extreme heat, emotional distress or pain.

The lack of blood to the brain causes loss of consciousness. Usually, a fainting episode will only last a few seconds, although it will make the person feel unwell and recovery may take several minutes. Occasionally, a collapse may be caused by a more serious event such as a stroke or a disturbance in the normal heart rhythm. A faint might be telling you something is wrong and further examination is sometimes important.

If a person complains of breathlessness, chest pains or heart palpitations, or if the pulse is faster or slower than expected, the person should see a doctor. Similarly, slurred speech, facial droop or weakness in any limbs are signs of a serious problem.

If possible, lie down and elevate the feet. This may prevent a loss of consciousness. Fresh air can also help, especially if you are feeling hot. If it is not possible to lie down, put your head down as low as possible. If you do faint, remain lying down for ten minutes. Sit up slowly when you need to get up. Low blood pressure hypotension is a condition characterised by blood pressure that is lower than normal or usual for the person. This imaging study checks for bleeding in the brain.

Before you run off to see the movie "Jigsaw" or visit a Halloween haunted house, take note: Fainting can be serious business. New guidelines are released explaining why people faint and what medical tests they should get after a fainting episode. Blackouts can happen when you drink alcohol to excess. Learn what causes the blackout, how blacking out can affect you in the long term, and more.

Feeling dizzy? Read on to learn about how to get rid of dizziness and what may be causing it. Some quick remedies to try at home include staying…. Hair-grooming syncope is when you faint during hair grooming activities like combing, brushing, and cutting. Learn what causes this type of syncope…. If you have low blood pressure, you may want to consider changing your diet.

Learn which foods to eat and what to avoid. Fainting happens when the amount of blood flow to your brain suddenly drops. This can happen for many reasons, some of which are preventable. Head rushes are caused by a rapid drop in your blood pressure when you stand up. Most people experience occasional head rushes, and they generally….

Syncope is a loss of consciousness that happens due to a decrease in blood flow to your brain.

Officials at DFW were livid. Lawsuits were levied. The city of Dallas took things even further, making it a crime for a commercial aircraft to operate out of Love Field. And Southwest found itself back in a courtroom in March And in a final blow to DFW, the U.

Supreme Court ended the matter in when it refused to hear further arguments in the case. It finally seemed like Southwest could turn its full attention to building its business rather than defending it. Back in the s, Dallas was mainly served by Love Field. However, the footprint of the airport limited potential for future growth.

The plan was to move existing carriers at Love Field to the new airport and reduce commercial service at Love Field. However, Southwest Airlines was founded with intentions to operate out of Love Field. The airline received necessary permissions to fly out of the field.

However, lawsuits started in an attempt to get Southwest to move. Those lawsuits proved unsuccessful, and Southwest won the right to fly in and out of Love Field. This site is geographically closer to Dallas. So, after the airline industry was deregulated in , Texas representatives in the United States Congress pushed forward an amendment in to limit air traffic out of Love Field. This was known as the Wright Amendment.

The Wright Amendment limited interstate air travel from Love Field. The only routes an airline could serve from the airports were to destinations in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, severely limiting growth out of the airport. In addition, airlines could not sell connections out of Dallas with a stop in one of the neighboring states.

However, a passenger could purchase one ticket from Dallas to Oklahoma City and another ticket from Oklahoma City to Chicago on their own. Airlines could not market the aforementioned options. Now, much of the law goes away as of Oct. It applied to any airplane with more than 56 seats operated on scheduled service. According to its opponents, it was to stifle competition and keep the main carrier at Love Field, Southwest Airlines, from prospering out of Dallas.

Yes, a couple of times. In , it added Missouri. In , new Southwest Airlines chief executive Gary Kelly launched an effort to repeal the Wright amendment. With pressure from the two U. Essentially it said that the limits on nonstop flights to U. In the interim, airlines at Love Field could fly passengers anywhere in the U.

The change said that airlines cannot operate nonstop international flights into or out of Love Field. The end of the Wright amendment and the opening up of Love Field will bring consumers more choices and lower fares — at least initially. The law, named after its author, U. Not only could airlines not fly beyond those states from Dallas, they could not sell a ticket for a flight from Dallas to points beyond that handful of states.

Dallas-based Southwest grudgingly lived with the law for nearly 25 years. But in November , its new CEO, Gary Kelly, declared that the law had outlived its usefulness and had to be repealed. Then, in June , the mayors of Dallas and Fort Worth, the top executives of Southwest and American and airport officials announced they had come to a compromise that would do away with the Wright amendment — eventually and mostly.

Under the compromise, airlines would be allowed to fly nonstop anywhere out of Love Field — but only to U. International cities were still off limits to nonstop service. Bush signed it into law, which occurred Oct.

Brian Ferguson, this doesn't mean we have good reason to think large scale social conflict is in our genes. For as long as humans have recorded their achievements in paint and stone, war has been a familiar story. So we could almost be forgiven for thinking it's a fundamental part of being human.

Just how ingrained is large scale social violence, though? To borrow a metaphor , are humans innately war-mongering hawks looking for a fight, or peace-loving doves driven to take up arms? Sure, we have a constant tide of media reporting the latest causalities of bombs and bullets. Not to mention historical accounts of our thirst for battle, and even cave paintings seeming to show figures running one another through with spears.

But it's hard to know how much of our storytelling demonstrates a fundamental violent streak, and how much is a reflection of our fear and desire to record it. A series of researchers, starting with Jane Goodall, have documented the murders within chimpanzee groups and lethal raids conducted between groups. It turns out that chimpanzees and human hunter-gatherers and primitive farmers have about the same rates of death due to violent attacks within and between groups.

But nonlethal violence is far higher in the chimps, occurring between a hundred and possibly a thousand times more often than in humans. The patterns of collective violence in which young chimp males engage are remarkably similar to those of young human males. Aside from constantly vying for status, both for themselves and for their gangs, they tend to avoid open mass confrontations with rival troops, instead relying on surprise attacks.

The purpose of raids made by the male gangs on neighboring communities is evidently to kill or drive out their members and acquire new territory. There is no certain way to decide on the basis of existing knowledge whether chimpanzees and humans inherited their pattern of territorial aggression from a common ancestor or whether they evolved it independently in response to parallel pressures of natural selection and opportunities encountered in the African homeland.

From the remarkable similarity in behavioral detail between the two species, however, and if we use the fewest assumptions required to explain it, a common ancestry seems the more likely choice. Population growth is exponential. When each individual in a population is replaced in every succeeding generation by more than one—even by a very slight fraction more, say 1. A population of chimpanzees or humans is always prone to grow exponentially when resources are abundant, but after a few generations even in the best of times it is forced to slow down.

Something begins to intervene, and in time the population reaches its peak, then remains steady, or else oscillates up and down. Occasionally it crashes, and the species becomes locally extinct. It can be anything in nature that moves up or down in effectiveness with the size of the population.

Wolves, for example, are the limiting factor for the population of elk and moose they kill and eat. As the wolves multiply, the populations of elk and moose stop growing or decline. In parallel manner, the quantity of elk and moose are the limiting factor for the wolves: When the predator population runs low on food, in this case elk and moose, its population falls.

In other instances, the same relation holds for disease organisms and the hosts they infect. As the host population increases, and the populations grow larger and denser, the parasite population increases with it. In history diseases have often swept through the land until the host populations decline enough or a sufficient percentage of its members acquire immunity.

There is another principle at work: Limiting factors work in hierarchies. As a result the elk and moose grow more numerous, until the next factor kicks in. The factor may be that herbivores overgraze their range and run short of food. Another limiting factor is emigration, where individuals have a better chance to survive if they leave and go someplace else.

Emigration due to population pressure is a highly developed instinct in lemmings, plague locusts, monarch butterflies, and wolves. If such populations are prevented from emigrating, the populations might again increase in size, but then some other limiting factor manifests itself.

For many kinds of animals, the factor is the defense of territory, which protects the food supply for the territory owner. Lions roar, wolves howl, and birds sing in order to announce that they are in their territories and desire competing members of the same species to stay away. Humans and chimpanzees are intensely territorial. That is the apparent population control hardwired into their social systems. What the events were that occurred in the origin of the chimpanzee and human lines—before the chimpanzee-human split of 6 million years ago—can only be speculated.

I believe that the evidence best fits the following sequence. The original limiting factor, which intensified with the introduction of group hunting for animal protein, was food. Territorial behavior evolved as a device to sequester the food supply. Expansive wars and annexation resulted in enlarged territories and favored genes that prescribe group cohesion, networking, and the formation of alliances.

For hundreds of millennia, the territorial imperative gave stability to the small, scattered communities of Homo sapiens, just as they do today in the small, scattered populations of surviving hunter-gatherers. During this long period, randomly spaced extremes in the environment alternately increased and decreased the population size so that it could be contained within territories. These demographic shocks led to forced emigration or aggressive expansion of territory size by conquest, or both together.

They also raised the value of forming alliances outside of kin-based networks in order to subdue other neighboring groups. A continuing problem is the expenditure of GNP on weapons and military. This allows large countries to overrun smaller countries rather easily.

Add the nuclear development worldwide, it gets very ugly. The corporate media owned by a few corporations at least in the USA control the news that they want put out there. Government in turn works with these same corporate news entities to present what issues they want and do not want in the news. It is a symbiotic relationship that limits the news that we see. The result is the death of what we in democracies remember as what used to be the 'free press'. First, it's big business.

Just as the first rule of commerce is to make your own market, the first rule for weapons manufacturers is to make, or be involved in the process of making wars occur. President Eisenhower made it clear in his last speech as president that we should fear the 'military industrial complex'.

The reasons are obvious: they have an agenda, and it's to make money. Secondly, human nature will always create wars. Conflict is as much part of human nature as it is any animal's: we know and like peace, but humans inevitably fight over land, resources, food, and the chance to reproduce, just as any animal does in nature.

Essentially, the root of all human conflict is fear: fear that there won't be enough to go around. And that fear manifests as a desire to be in control. When a sense that "the other party" has control, then the desire to wrestle control from that other party comes about. All conflict occurs across a spectrum. At the immediate level it's between two people, such as a fight over a parking space, mate, piece of property or sum of money. On a global level it's still a fight between two, or a small number of people — the leaders — but large numbers of people are involved to fight them.

On a more esoteric or philosophical level, I look upon war as social flux. It's an inevitable consequence of human beings existing and surviving together on a planet with limited resources and limited space. War is the social and political equivalent of an extreme weather condition, such as a tornado, hurricane or cyclone.

Of course war is a choice. John Horgan is right that war is not biologically driven. No average American would say, 'Yes, please produce more nuclear warheads! I love nuclear warheads! There is no reason for war. What reason would rationalize the killing of children, whether the child be a year-old boy dressed in the military uniform of his nation-state blown to bits by an IED or whether the child be an 8-year-old boy picking fruit in a field who becomes 'collateral damage' from an airstrike on 'rebels hiding' near his field?

Why not have a sporting event to vet disagreements? Let the nation-state get its anger and frustration out by non-lethal means: a soccer competition where thousands of people are not killed. Rousseau was right on this point after all: War is not natural among individuals. When there is a war, it is governed by states, not civilians.

In the end, all the rules of war such as the Geneva Conventions which aim to reduce suffering and civilian casualties are in many ways hypocritical because soldiers are civilians. Thus, if taken seriously, the Geneva Conventions would prevent war. The boy dressed in army fatigues, the boy dressed in rebel fatigues are civilians underneath the wardrobe of the state. These individuals are not fighting each other out of personal dislikes and deciding on their own to use metal death pills against each other shot from a gun that forever silence the other's future.

Rather, these individuals are being used to fight the wants of a sovereign power. Soldiers are civilians and their rights as civilians do not evaporate once they don the cloak of military power.

Following this logic: War is therefore illegal and in violation of the Geneva Conventions which aim to protect civilians.

As long as war is seen as a tool to 'solve' problems, we will use it. We must change our mindset and it begins with each individual at a time. This article is more than 9 years old.

Great news! The Scots Pine is a coniferous tree with cones that provide pine seeds which are particularly favoured by Red Squirrels. Bees also visit it to collect propolis which they use as a sealant in their hives. This SPAR National Tree Day is a great opportunity for us all to stop and think about how we can return the favour and support the trees.

There are SPAR stores in over communities throughout Ireland so being able to show children and their families how they can make more sustainable choices that support their neighbourhoods is really important to us.

Giving children the opportunity to down tools for the day, re-connect with nature and enjoy the natural world around them, wherever in Ireland they live, is a great cause for celebration. Thursday 7th October ! Our theme this year is What is National Tree Day? Scoil Naomh Brid, Ballyconnell, Cavan. Scoil Naomh Brid, Ballyconnell, Cavan oak saplings! Boys National School, Athenry. Freckles Preschool. Donnycarney National School. We look forward to bringing people together to celebrate and plant trees across the country and hope to bring you another inspiring online programme of tree-related arts and culture events.

Events for November Tree planting and maintenace. Tree Planting at Hayle Park. Be a Tree — Early Learning Children are asked to investigate what plants need to grow and survive and how this can be related to what humans need to grow and survive.

Children dance along to the dirtgirlworld song Grow Up and role-play a seed growing into a plant. Who Needs a Tree? They identify a range of native animals and think about how they use the trees as a habitat and for food. Children then go outside and attach pictures of animals to the parts of a tree that they think the animals use.

They demonstrate their prior knowledge of ecosystems by contributing to a class mural. Students design a diagram to show how the tree interacts with the environment, other plants and animals. Growing Grit — Years 3 to 6 Students will explore the benefits of time in nature by going on a nature walk, then drawing a picture of a time when they were in nature. They will decide on strategies to investigate species diversity and ecosystem diversity.

Growing Grit — Years 7 to 10 Students will explore the character strength of grit and link time outdoors and in nature as a strategy for coping with setbacks and persevering to achieve their goals in a gritty way. Students critically assess their own activities on an average day and consider ways that they could spend more time in nature. They will design, test and conduct an experiment to examine whether nature time affects mental, physical and emotional well-being.

They use a range of local sources to find out what their community is most passionate about. Nature of Mindfulness — Activities for Well-being Students will develop body awareness through a variety of mindful practices, including crouching, standing, shape-making, breathing and balancing.

This is a good activity for kids to complete independently or with others.

Your dentist may or may not need to use a local anesthetic to lessen the discomfort of the procedure. If you are concerned about pain, discuss this with your dentist.

Your dentist will first conduct teeth scaling. This involves scraping the plaque from your teeth and in any large pockets that have developed between your teeth and gums. Next, your dentist will do the root planing. Your dentist will smooth the tooth roots using a scaling tool. This smoothing helps your gums to reattach to your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend additional treatment depending on the health of your teeth and gums.

Your dentist may use antimicrobial agents in your mouth or prescribe oral antibiotics for you to take for several days to help you heal faster. Your dentist may also perform a process called host modulation in which additional medication is administered directly into your gums to help correct the negative effects of long-term periodontitis or reduce the chances of infection following your procedure.

Traditional tools are typically used to perform the procedure, including a scaler and a curette. But there are other instruments available for teeth scaling, such as lasers and ultrasonic devices. Your dentist may also recommend a full mouth disinfection. A study concluded that new tools and procedures for teeth scaling and root planing are no more effective than traditional methods.

A review of 72 journal articles on these procedures found that they improved the pocket gap between teeth and gums by. View More Payment Options. Scaling and Root Planing — Deep Cleaning to Treat Periodontitis To stop the infection caused by plaque that has gathered at the gum line, scaling and root planning is a procedure that thoroughly cleans the tooth down to its root. Stage 1 — Gingivitis As the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis causes the gums to become red and irritated, especially when eating or brushing your teeth.

Stage 2 — Periodontitis When gingivitis gets worse, it will soon become periodontitis, the second stage of gum disease. Stage 3 — Advanced Periodontitis Advanced periodontitis is identified by the fact that permanent damage has been done to gum tissues. Follow Us. If periodontitis has set in, that pocket begins to grow deeper and can even put teeth at risk of loosening and falling out altogether.

Unfortunately, once gum disease has progressed beyond gingivitis and into periodontitis, it cannot be entirely reversed. But if caught and treated early, it can be mitigated. Scaling and root planing is one treatment option for those with periodontitis. The aim of this deep cleaning is to remove harmful bacterial build-up and create an environment where the gums can heal.

Scaling is the process of removing all plaque, bacterial toxins and tartar deposits from your teeth and root surfaces. Root planing involves smoothing down the surfaces of affected teeth under the gumline. Smooth root surfaces make it harder for plaque, bacterial toxins and tartar to re-adhere to the teeth. Your dentist may also insert medication subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline directly into the pocket that was cleaned.

Your dentist will schedule another visit to see how your gums have healed and measure the depth of your pockets. If they have gotten deeper, more treatment may be needed. Good dental care at home is essential to help keep gum disease from becoming more serious or recurring.

Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft brush, clean between your teeth daily , eat a balanced diet , avoid using tobacco and see your dentist regularly.

Cinemark Coming Soon. Regal Coming Soon. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.

Conor wants a rival chieftain to join the confederation of tribes; a peddler sells an explosive compound. While learning the responsibilities of leadership from a boy king, Conor discovers an assassination plot against his mentor and has doubts about being a ruler.

Conor struggles to decide between leaving his tribe and honoring a promise made to a woman who saved his life during battle. A charismatic pacifist decides to depose Conor and take over his land with the help of his followers. Caitlin and Conor are captured by a brutal Roman emissary who has taken control of the island to obtain the whereabouts of stolen Christian scrolls. Conor aids Glas by consenting to a symbolic marriage to a Druid virgin who turns out to be Molly; Longinus schemes to destroy the plan.

Catlin is possessed by her dead sister, and Longinus seeks to capitalize on the situation. Conor and his crew must pass through a gauntlet of deadly traps on a remote island.

There are no featured audience reviews yet. Click the link below to see what others say about Roar: Season 1! More Headlines. Top Box Office. More Top Movies Trailers. Certified Fresh Picks. Loki: Season 1. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Season 1. The Walking Dead: Season Certified Fresh Pick. View All. Fall TV. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage. Log in with Facebook. Email address. Log In. First Name. Last Name. By signing up, you agree to receiving newsletters from Rotten Tomatoes.

You may later unsubscribe. Create your account Already have an account? Email Address. Real Quick. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Cancel Resend Email. Want to see. Episode List. Season 1 Roar Critics Consensus While it has action and style to spare, Roar ultimately succumbs to a lack of heart and originality.

No Score Yet. Audience Score User Ratings: 0. See score details. Rate And Review Submit review Want to see. Kidman recently revealed that filming for the show had wrapped, sharing a photo of herself watching the incredible sunset across the breathtaking view of Burragorang lookout in New South Wales. She added the caption: "Wrap day Roar. A post shared by Nicole Kidman nicolekidman.

Kidman confirmed that filming had finished back in July, so we'll probably have to wait until the New Year for the series to air. Based on Cecilia Ahern's book of short stories Roar: A Story for Every Woman , each episode will focus on a single story, as told from a female perspective.

Ahern describes her book "a fiercely feminist story collection that illuminates, sometimes in fantastical ways, how women of all kinds navigate the world today. The entertaining stories are meant to move, uplift, amuse and embolden the reader, with each one featuring a woman exploring a different absurd contradiction or issue in her life. Syal will play Anu, a woman stuck in a flaccid marriage who decides to shake up her life and return her husband to the very store she first purchased him from.

Stewart will play Jane, an angsty teenage girl who loves horses and is about to embark on a journey to avenge her father's death. NFL player gets his team penalised for comically dumb mistake August 27, Why David King believes Port should put this star up for trade August 27, Quade Cooper reveals his struggles with his Maori identity August 27, Socceroo discovers MLS rivalry in fiery clash August 27, Steve Smith completely bamboozled by spinner's 'absolute gem' August 27, August 27, WI cricketer's all-time dropped catch has to be seen to be believed August 27, Ricciardo victim of F1 carnage in Belgium August 27, Jamie Maclaren comes to the rescue for Hibs August 27,

It also has other important relevant information. Please feel free to seek any clarifications with the class teachers or the General Office at Thank you. Singh Principal. Halloween Fun For Everyone. Universal Studios Singapore. Admission charges apply. This October, come on down to Universal Studios Singapore and have spooktastic Halloween fun for the family. Put on your favourite costume and enjoy trick-or-treating around the park. Next, embark on the Trail of Treats to collect candies, gummies and chocolates from Candy Ambassadors, and pull out your phones for selfies with your favourite characters dressed in their Halloween best.

Visit HERE for more information. Deep BOO Sea! Experience the chills of an underwater Halloween! Prepare to be spooked and awed as you take your Halloween celebrations into the depths of the sea!

From the menacing face of the wolf-eel to the fang-like teeth of the vampire fish. Pocket Gardens Surprise. Now til 8 Nov ; 9am - 9pm daily. Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay. Pocket Gardens Surprise is a series of changing mini garden displays that pop up at various nooks around Flower Dome. Be delighted with a new display every fortnight.

Monday, 11 July Look.. But it is not my favourite. Friday, 1 July Youth Day! My teacher said youth is 12 and above i think I will mostly do homework forthe weekends my tuition and school hw.. Okay,Now i don't know what to write..

So Peace Out! Soo my friend Aliah birthday is coming.. Her bday is on 4th July youth day.. I dont know what present i wanna give her.. Singapore Philatelic Museum. Malay CultureFest Now until 28 Oct Malay Heritage Centre. Family Fridays ArtScience Museum. ArtScience Museum. Admission charges apply. Esplanade Festival Corner. Shall We Dance. Esplanade, Various Locations. Making Things Move. Science Centre Singapore. Admission to Science Centre applies to accompanying parents.

Special Storytelling and Craft: Halloween. Queenstown Public Library: 21 Oct ; Jurong Regional Library: 22 Oct ; Storytelling Special:

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. Part comedian, part Dad, part athlete. He will boss around your children while they play ball. Just as angelic as she looks, this girl could easily raise a Village by herself, and all the children would grow up to be President. Self proclaimed, she would be a webkinz dog. Because, "they're cute, and puppies are too.

And they're sweet and they always get along with other puppies. What is appalling was that while she was cussing me, her colleagues were there urging her to stop. Of course, she justified her actions by saying she wasn't cussing and that I was the one who was heckling her. Now clearly there is a huge disconnect, because I did not tag the item, they did. I have decided to pursue this matter out of principle.

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Your email address will not be published. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon. Search for:. Payless Shoes Canada. GraciousMe says:. January 18, at am. Ashley says:.

The report tracks the color progress across the state using a network of observers, including Maine forest rangers and forest pathologists. The report is updated on Wednesday afternoons, typically starting mid-September and running through October, until most of the leaves have fallen from the trees or faded to brown.

To view the full reports, including color-coded maps that divide the state up into different zones, visit mainefoliage. You can also sign up for the weekly report to be sent to you via email on the website. Maine is a big state that varies in temperature from south to north, and from the coast to inland areas. This matters when it comes to fall foliage because temperature is one of the main factors for when leaves change color.

Generally, leaves change color in colder regions first. Therefore, in Maine, fall foliage progresses from north to south. Leaves also tend to change color in inland mountainous regions before they do along the coast. With this in mind, you can sometimes enjoy peak fall foliage for a few weeks by planning trips to different regions of Maine.

For example, in mid-September, the leaves might be mostly green in southern Maine, but in Aroostook County, color could be popping up all over the landscape. Views of fall foliage in Maine. One trick for spotting colorful trees early in the season is visiting areas where trees are facing less than ideal growing conditions.

When stressed, trees sometimes tap out early in the season and stop producing green chlorophyll. A prime example of this is when trees along roadways turn color before trees that are deeper in the forest.

Blueberry barrens show off their ground cover vivid reds this time of year and are a sight to behold," according to Gale Ross, fall foliage spokesperson. Autumn enthusiasts can visit the states official foliage website at www. Our Facebook page will include statewide events throughout the foliage season, and our Instagram account mainefoliage will also feature colorful fall shots. Coastal Maine typically reaches peak conditions mid-to-late October.

Northern Maine typically reaches peak conditions during the last week of September or the first few days of October. Maine Forest Rangers reported peak conditions and moderate leaf drop in that part of the state on Wednesday.

Most of the state is in the midst of moderate-to-high color change, which means 50 percent to 70 percent of leaves have changed color, the forest rangers said. Coastal Maine usually reaches its peak color season toward the middle or the end of the month. Foliage colors make an appearance Sept. Submitted photo. Updated Sept. As of Sept. Typically, northern Maine zones six and seven reach peak conditions the last week of September into the first week of October.

The chlorophyll which gives our trees their green color is breaking down, and thus, our autumn colors are revealed. Cook works for Spruce Bay Farm and Landscape and recently serviced some accounts in Farmington, where he said the season is changing rapidly.

Instead of slipping quietly into hibernation, nature trumpets the bright oranges and yellows of sugar maples, the purples of white ash, the scarlet of red and mountain maples, and the rich, earthy browns of black and white oak. Few sights satisfy the soul like the brilliant colors splashed across Maine's forests each autumn.

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Contents Text Link. Take control of how you think, feel and act. Try the app for free today. Get early access to our hot flashes program Hypnosis-based guided imagery.

Manage menopausal hot flashes naturally with an evidence-based digital program. Coming soon in Our Sources. Overview, I. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Overview. Prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome IBS and variability of diagnostic criteria.

Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique, 28 , pp. What is new in Rome IV. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, 23 2 , p. The bowel and migraine: update on celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Current pain and headache reports, 16 3 , pp. Gender differences in gastrointestinal, psychological, and somatic symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome. Digestive diseases and sciences, 54 7 , p. International journal of nursing practice, 14 2 , pp. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 25 2 , pp. Trauma history and risk of the irritable bowel syndrome in women veterans. Development of functional gastrointestinal disorders after Giardia lamblia infection.

BMC gastroenterology, 9 1 , p. Anxiety and depression comorbidities in irritable bowel syndrome IBS : a systematic review and meta-analysis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 8 , pp. Gastroenterology, 1 , pp. Current gastroenterology reports, 16 1 , p. Doctors usually recommend CBT if medications have not been effective in treating the symptoms after 12 months of trying. CBT may help people manage the psychological side effects of living with IBS, as well as treating the actual symptoms.

Some healthcare professionals assert that hypnotherapy may help reduce the symptoms of pain and discomfort associated with IBS. Therefore, some doctors may recommend hypnotherapy in certain cases. However, people may be able to minimize the likelihood or frequency of IBS attacks by altering some of their habits. Some people may experience IBS attacks regularly, whereas others may have periods of their life without any attacks.

The most important thing is for people to learn to recognize the signs of an attack and begin a treatment plan that works for them. Irritable bowel syndrome IBS is a chronic disorder that causes abdominal pain, bloating, and alternating diarrhea and constipation.

Learn more about…. Cramping, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea characterize irritable bowel syndrome IBS. In this article, we explore the reasons behind 10 common…. Learn about the treatments and remedies…. Here, find a list of foods and drinks that can trigger IBS symptoms. We also describe food groups to steer clear of and tips for eating in restaurants. Irritable bowel syndrome affects over a tenth of the population globally, but many go undiagnosed.

Nobody knows what causes it, however. Find out more. See your doctor if you have a persistent change in bowel habits or other signs or symptoms of IBS. They may indicate a more serious condition, such as colon cancer.

More-serious signs and symptoms include:. There is a problem with information submitted for this request. Subscribe for free and receive your in-depth guide to digestive health, plus the latest on health innovations and news.

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The precise cause of IBS isn't known. Blood in the stool is not a typical symptom associated with IBS. While mucus in the stool may be expected, blood in the stool is not.

If you have a family history of serious gastrointestinal disorders, and you experience the above-mentioned symptoms, contact your doctor. Examples of these disorders include inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, or cancer. If you experience changes in your symptoms, your doctor will likely conduct tests to find out what may have caused these changes.

First, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms. They may ask questions like:. Your doctor will use your answers to these questions as a jumping-off point to determine a likely cause.

Depending upon your symptoms, your doctor may order a blood test to ensure your blood levels are at an expected range. If your doctor thinks that inflammation or bleeding somewhere in your intestinal tract may be the cause, they may recommend a colonoscopy to view the inner lining of your colon for any irregularities.

Ideally, you should seek medical treatment as early as possible when you experience a change in your IBS symptoms. This can help your doctor determine if the change is cause for more treatments or a sign of another condition.

Remember, anything that worries you is worth calling your doctor about. Learn the symptoms of IBS, what can trigger them, adjustments you can make to ease them, and what can treat them.

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