When is payless bogo 2011

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. Part comedian, part Dad, part athlete. He will boss around your children while they play ball. Just as angelic as she looks, this girl could easily raise a Village by herself, and all the children would grow up to be President. Self proclaimed, she would be a webkinz dog. Because, "they're cute, and puppies are too.

And they're sweet and they always get along with other puppies. What is appalling was that while she was cussing me, her colleagues were there urging her to stop. Of course, she justified her actions by saying she wasn't cussing and that I was the one who was heckling her. Now clearly there is a huge disconnect, because I did not tag the item, they did. I have decided to pursue this matter out of principle.

The things that some of these businesses continue to get away with is very unsettling. Well, I will be taking the matter to both the Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading commissions because a message must be sent.

I love Payless and their BoGo sales — I usually get great deals on the clearance shoes for myself, and boots, sneakers ans socks for the kiddies.

Your email address will not be published. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon. Search for:. Payless Shoes Canada. GraciousMe says:. January 18, at am. Ashley says:.


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